Last summer we worked through
In the Year of our Lord by Sinclair Ferguson.

The story of the church is important for Christians to know, for it contains rich and uplifting stories of God’s dealings with His people. Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson takes the reader on a tour of the Christian history, featuring stories and songs to give believers a sense of their place in God’s kingdom and to encourage them in their walk."

For students all across the world, the end of the academic year is in sight and summer vacation is just becoming visible on the horizon. So on what kind of journey would we want to embark? Yes, you’ve got it! A history lesson journey. What else will you do while you twiddle your thumbs all summer long?

Last year for our Summer Study we took up a different sort of book as our focus. A history book. Have no worry. It wasn’t the academic sort, or the sort on which you need to write a paper, or the sort that will put you to sleep (if it does, let me know and I will pray for your sanctification [please note the presence of humor]). The summary history is one of the Christian Faith. The book that we used led us on a guided tour of the past twenty centuries of Church history titled, In The Year Of Our Lord, by Sinclair Ferguson.

This book is not what anyone would consider the work of a scholastic church historian (though the author is just that), but is written from the perspective of a family member. One who is familiar with many of the settings, contexts, relationships, and details of how the family history is traced on the family tree. Each chapter gives a brief overview of every century of the Church, from the first through the twentieth, opening with a reading from each respective century, followed by a brief narrative, and closed with a hymn written during that century.

Thanks for coming along with us on this summary perusal of our past as Christ’s Church. There were many joys and encouragements gained, many valuable lessons gleaned, and a myriad of God’s blessings for which we are grateful.

- Pastor Andrew